You can use ‘inputdlg’ for this purpose to request input from the user.
The following line prompts the user to input appropriate ‘pressure’ value which is, by default, stored as an element of a cell array of character vector.
answer = inputdlg('Enter new pressure value:');
It is important to note here that this approach does not prevent the user from entering multiple or invalid inputs, so those checks need to be handled separately.
To convert ‘answer’ to a numeric array, ‘str2num’ can be used.
pressure = str2num(answer{1});
This ‘pressure’ value can then be used to plot the data accordingly.
For more details on ‘inputdlg’ and ‘str2num’, you can refer to their documentation pages by running the following commands in the MATLAB Command Window:
doc inputdlg
doc str2num
Hope this helps!