Close (all) Variable Editor windows?

66 次查看(过去 30 天)
During development I often open many figures (plotting variables of interest) and many Variable Editor windows, often digging several layers deep into structs, generating lots of Variable Editor windows. When I am ready to move on to some next step, I can easily close all the figures with 'close all'. But I cannot find a way to close all the Variable Editor windows (so typically, I close each, of many, by clicking on the red dot (in OSX)). Not impossible, but tedious. There seems to be no complement to openvar. Am I missing something?


Jan 2017-6-20
编辑:Jan 2017-6-20
This closes all docked and undocked ArrayEditors:
desktop = com.mathworks.mde.desk.MLDesktop.getInstance;
Titles = desktop.getClientTitles;
for k = 1:numel(Titles)
Client = desktop.getClient(Titles(k));
if ~isempty(Client) & ...
strcmp(char(Client.getClass.getName), 'com.mathworks.mde.array.ArrayEditor')
This is inspired by the link posted by Image Analyst.
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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-6-20
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jkr 2017-6-20
I didn't see how this helps. It addresses a different problem.
On the other hand, I've found something simple that works for me. Simply dock the Variable Editor. It is then easy to open bunches of variables, and close them all at once, by closing the Variable Editor tab. I had been opening each variable, individually, undocked. I can still undock a variable for particularly close inspection. I have to close such a window separately, but all the parents I had to wade through to reach the data of interest remain docked, and easily closed with a click.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-6-21
It was not intended to be a complete solution, though I can see how you might have thought so. It was intended to be a lead to figure out how you can do it. Fortunately, Jan got the hint and figured it out for you. I knew there was nothing in base MATLAB to do what you wanted and that it had to be an undocumented thing. For these kinds of special, tricky things, we always go to Yair Altman's undocumented MATLAB site. If Yair doesn't know how to do it, then it just can't be done.
You can also "Vote" for Jan's answer to give him more reputation points (like I've done).



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