I finished a long Matlab code, that works just perfect in Matlab. Now I'm trying to compile the app, to use it as an .exe file on other computers.
relevant code:
[FileName,PathName] = uigetfile('*.CSV','Select the data file');
delimiterIn = ',';
headerlinesIn = 11;
A = importdata(FileName,delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);
the code imports a .CSV file.
The uigetfile works just fine, as I used [FileName,PathName]. But at line 4 A |= importdata(FileName,delimiterIn,headerlinesIn);|the code stops working an I get the following Error message:
> Unable to open File.
> Error in => name_of_my_program.m line 4
Any ideas how to solve this problem? I can't change much in the code, as the varibales A.data and A.headliners are used a lot in the code.
Did I use the `importdata` function wrong? Does the importdata function not work with compiled apps?
csvread istead of importdata does work, but as mentioned above, I'm looking for a solution, were I don't need to change all the variables in my long code. So the output got to be a 1x1 struct containing A.data, A.textdata and A.colheaders
I use MATLAB R2017a and the Appliaction Compiler within
This question is relatrd but doesn't deal with importdata issues.