How to control the apperance of a "ui control" from another gui?

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Basically, I have 2 GUIs opened at the same time: GUI1 and GUI2. GUI1 includes a "Static Text" while GUI2 includes a "Push Button". I would like the Color property of the Static Text in GUI1 to change when I push the Push Button on GUI2
Please Advise


from gui2 : Since version R2014b :
a=findall(groot, 'Name', 'myguide1'); %myguide1 is the file name for guide1
set(findobj(a(1),'Tag','text1'),'BackgroundColor','r')%text1 is the value tag for the Static Text in GUI1
Earlier versions:
a=findall(0, 'Name', 'myguide1'); %myguide1 is the file name for guide1
set(findobj(a(1),'Tag','text1'),'BackgroundColor','r')%text1 is the value tag for the Static Text in GUI1
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-6-28
In R2014b onwards you can still use 0 instead of groot. That might not be supported eventually, but it is not marked for removal yet.


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