Compare cells of different columns

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Hi, I need to compare the data from columns 1, 2, 3 (where a particular option is located) to the column 4 (what answer was received). If the pair tested matches (e.g. cell 1,1 vs 1,5) I want to output the values located in the same row but in columns 5 and 6. If this is not possible, I just need it to show either a 1 or a 0. For the later I tried the following code:
gmax = [1;2;3;1;2;3];
pmax = [2;3;1;2;3;1];
lmin = [3;1;2;3;1;2];
response = [1;1;2;1;3;2];
start_time = [2.45; 6.32; 8.21; 10.12; 13.09; 16.7];
RT = [2.7433; 2.2333; 3.4532; 2.9919; 3.0011; 2.5509];
T = table (gmax, pmax, lmin, response, start_time, RT);
A = zeros (6,1);
B = zeros (6,1);
C = zeros (6,1);
for j = 1 : 6
A(j,1) = isequal (T(j,1), T(j,5));
for j = 1 : 6
B(j,1) = isequal (T(j,2), T(j,5));
for j = 1 : 6
C(j,1) = isequal (T(j,3), T(j,5));
Can you point me what am I doing wrong? It always returns 0, even if the pair matches. Many thanks


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-7-9
编辑:Walter Roberson 2017-7-9
gmax = [1;2;3;1;2;3];
pmax = [2;3;1;2;3;1];
lmin = [3;1;2;3;1;2];
response = [1;1;2;1;3;2];
start_time = [2.45; 6.32; 8.21; 10.12; 13.09; 16.7];
RT = [2.7433; 2.2333; 3.4532; 2.9919; 3.0011; 2.5509];
T = table (gmax, pmax, lmin, response, start_time, RT);
A = (T{:,1} == T{:,[4 4]}).*T{1,5:6}
B = (T{:,2} == T{:,[4 4]}).*T{1,5:6}
C = (T{:,3} == T{:,[4 4]}).*T{1,5:6}
... I guess. A sample output would have helped.
r2 = [response, response];
outs = [start_time, RT];
A = (gmax == r2) .* outs
B = (pmax == r2) .* outs
C = (lmin == r2) .* outs
r2 = [T.response, T.response];
outs = [T.start_time, T.RT];
A = (T.gmax == r2) .* outs
B = (T.pmax == r2) .* outs
C = (T.lmin == r2) .* outs
The repetition of the variable being tested against, and the .* by the output columns, is a cheap way of getting the selected information where it exists and "0" where it doesn't.
Watch out with your isequal: you were comparing tables not numeric values.
  1 个评论
Ramiro Rea
Ramiro Rea 2017-7-9
Yes this completely work. I am pretty new with this software, the learning curve is steep. Thank you very much for your help!


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