Matlab does not save the entire figure

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I cannot get matlab to save my entire figure. There is something wrong with my papersize definitions, but I cannot control them using axes. How can I print the entire figure?
if true
plot(x(200:1600),data(200:1600,[94 104 114 138 199 214 266]),'linewidth',2);axis tight;
legend('A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G');legend boxoff;
set(gca, 'box', 'off','YTick', [],'ycolor',[1,1,1]); % remove y axis ticks and make axis white.
% create another x-axis for top-x-axis
axes('xlim', [x(200) x(1600)],'color', 'none','XAxisLocation','top');set(gca,'FontSize',16,'LineWidth',2,'fontweight','bold','TickDir','out','units','centimeters','position',[2,2,20,18],'YTick',[],'ycolor',[1,1,1]);
xticks([241.138 259.687 281.328 306.903 337.594 375.104]);,
% create another x-axis for top-x-axis for minor ticks
axes('xlim', [b_mT(200) b_mT(1600)],'color', 'none','XAxisLocation','top');set(gca,'FontSize',16,'LineWidth',1.5,'fontweight','bold','TickDir','out','units','centimeters','position',[2,2,20,18],'YTick',[],'ycolor',[1,1,1]);
xticks([250.069 270.075 293.560 321.518 355.362]);,
% Making the insert plot:
axes('units','centimeters','Position',[3 3.5 12 10])
plot(x(400:1000),data(400:1000,[94 104 114 138 199 214 266]),'linewidth',2);axis tight;
set(gca, 'box','off','YTick', []); set(gca,'ycolor',[1,1,1]); % remove y axis ticks and make axis white.
% create another x-axis for top-x-axis
axes('xlim', [x(400) x(1000)],'color', 'none','XAxisLocation','top');set(gca,'FontSize',16,'LineWidth',2,'fontweight','bold','TickDir','out','units','centimeters','position',[3 3.5 12 10],'YTick',[],'ycolor',[1,1,1]);
xticks([259.687 270.075 281.328 293.560 306.903 321.518]);,
% create another x-axis for top-x-axis for minor ticks
axes('xlim', [x(400) x(1000)],'color', 'none','XAxisLocation','top');set(gca,'FontSize',16,'LineWidth',1.5,'fontweight','bold','TickDir','out','units','centimeters','position',[3 3.5 12 10],'YTick',[],'ycolor',[1,1,1]);
xticks([264.779 275.587 287.314 300.083 314.041]);,
% print figure
print(fig,'-fillpage','-dpng','C:\Users\s072204\Google Drive\Phd Thesis\Figures\fig.png');
  1 个评论
Don Zheng
Don Zheng 2017-7-19
Can you provide the data used in this example code and explain what you mean by "entire figure"?


回答(1 个)

Chad Greene
Chad Greene 2017-7-19
I recommend using export_fig instead of print. It's easier to use, faster, the image quality is often better, and sizing/cropping are never issues.

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