How to save a picture as a new name once a radio button is pushed using GUI

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
When I select a radio button response, I would like to automatically save the current picture present with the radio button number at the end of the picture name. Not sure how to retrieve the current name of the picture in order to save the new name.
Here is my current code:
radioChecked = get(handles.radiobutton1, 'Value');
if radioChecked == 1
axes = handles.axes1;
[fileName, filePath] = uiputfile('*.jpg*', 'Save toBeSaved as');
fileName = fullfile(filePath, fileName);
imwrite(toBeSaved, fileName, 'jpg');
guidata(hObject, handles);
this just opens the browser to manually save the photo as a new name. I would like the photo name to be programmed by retrieving the current name and adding a number at the end.
  3 个评论
Don Zheng
Don Zheng 2017-7-19
编辑:Don Zheng 2017-7-19
As Adam said, the displayed image (color map data in the axes) has no tight to the original file, so there is no name to be retrieved from. You may need to consider making a cell array in your program to store the original image names in the same order as you lay out the radio buttons.


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