Correct format not available for image acquisition

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to read the images from a Mightex camera, BTE-B050-U, into Matlab. Mightex cameras use DirectShow, so we installed the DirectShow software. Using Matlab's Image Acquisition Toolbox, we have installed the 'winvideo' adaptor.
The correct format for the camera is not given. For some reason, the 'winvideo' adaptor insists that this is a color camera, when it is in fact monochrome.
>>devinfo = imaqhwinfo('winvideo',1)
devinfo =
struct with fields:
DefaultFormat: 'RGB24_2592x1944'
DeviceFileSupported: 0
DeviceName: 'Mightex_BufferSource Filter'
DeviceID: 1
VideoInputConstructor: 'videoinput('winvideo', 1)'
VideoDeviceConstructor: 'imaq.VideoDevice('winvideo', 1)'
SupportedFormats: {'RGB24_2592x1944'}
The camera is a 12-bit monochrome camera, not RGB24. The pixels are correct. I tried creating a video object with format 'MONO12_2592x1944', but I simply receive a message that the format specified is not supported by the device.
If I create the video object with the suggested format, the object construction works fine and I can execute commands, including preview and start/stop. However, the images are always blank. The actual image from the camera is not being read in this format.
An application developed by Mightex that uses DirectShow works fine, so I believe Matlab is simply not talking to the camera correctly. Does anyone know a solution? My ideas are to somehow convince Matlab to use the correct format, or use the given format with some adjustment that allows the image to be read in this format.
Using Windows 7, MATLAB R2017a (same behavior on another computer with Windows 10 and MATLAB R2016a).
  3 个评论
David 2020-3-3
编辑:David 2020-3-3
So sorry I forgot to respond for so long. The problem did seem to be Mightex's fault. The camera is supposed to work through DirectShow, but other programs that use DirectShow (we used VLC) also seemed to connect but only showed blank screens. The camera worked fine when using Mightex software.
We ended up buying a camera from IDS Imaging, which actually did work through the DirectShow interface. Looks like people are still reading this entry, so I wanted to give a report. Other Mightex cameras, 1.3 MP, have worked for our group in the past, but as far as I know none of the people I work with have gotten a 5 MP Mightex to work with DirectShow.


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