images splitting

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
can anyone explain me the output of the following code
I am getting three output images. What are they. Could you relate your answer with the thought that : stands for including all elements in rowwise or columnwise.
I would be grateful if you could mail me the exact answer in a simple way.


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2012-4-9
The colon basically means "all" so imageArray(:,:,2) means all rows and all columns of the 2nd color plane in the image.
You're getting three images because you did not specify the color plane so you're getting the columns and color planes all combined into one image that's 3 times as wide. If you'd done v=i(:,:,2) you'd get only one image, not three.
By the way, we don't usually email private answers to questions asked here in this public forum. We give the answers here so everyone can learn from them.
  1 个评论
Sivakumaran Chandrasekaran
Hi Image Analyst,
Thanks for explaining the concept in a simple way.
These days i thought that third plane indicates 3rd Dimension. So, my thinking is wrong.


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