Hi ! Urgent Help please. I have plotted two overlapping hexagons, inside them points are randomly generated. I have to sectorize the whole area of hexagons into smaller regions( these regions are random shapes). previously I did this in this way(as in attached figure). Now instead of this (these smaller hexagons inside big ones) i need random shapes. I have plotted a random shape by using the following code:
degree = 5;
numPoints = 1000;
blobWidth = 5;
theta = 0:(2*pi)/(numPoints-1):2*pi;
coeffs = rand(degree,1);
rho = zeros(size(theta));
for i = 1:degree
rho = rho + coeffs(i)*sin(i*theta);
phase = rand*2*pi;
[x,y] = pol2cart(theta+phase, rho+blobWidth);
Using this code i get a random shape. I need to plot this type of multiple shapes adjacent to each other( no shape overlap other)
within the area of hexagons, but am not able to do this. kindly help me out. Thank You