Import Time series objects into sldd

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am having vehicle data imported as time series objects into Base workspace, I would like to know how can we add those objects to SLDD (2016b Matlab).

回答(1 个)

Donn Shull
Donn Shull 2017-8-6
Beginning with R2016b Simulink Data Dictionaries can store time series objects in the 'Other Data' dictionary section. For Example:
dicth ='MyDictionary.sldd');
otherh = dicth.getSection('Other');
myTimeSeries = timeseries;
otherh.addEntry('myTimeSeries', myTimeSeries);
Note: this does not work in previous version of Simulink or in other sections of a Simulink Data Dictionary.


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