Convert cell to time or double

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I currently have a cell array filled with times like the below. I am trying to convert this into a usable format so that I can use the times in a plot. Does anyone know how I would do this? I have tried using str2double but this returns the values as NaNs. Someone also suggested that I used regexp but this resulted in the same outcome.
  2 个评论
José-Luis 2017-8-2
I don't understand the format. What's 23:743:990?
Matt 2017-8-2
Does this make more sense?



Jan 2017-8-2
编辑:Jan 2017-8-2
Join the cell string to a string at first, then parse it by sscanf:
C = {'000:00h:00min:23:743:990µs', '000:00h:00min:23:743:990µs'};
S = sprintf('%s*', C{:});
V = sscanf(S, '%d:%dh:%dmin:%d:%d:%dµs*', [6, inf]);
  1 个评论
Matt 2017-8-2
Hi Jan, this is very close to what I would like to achieve, thanks. This currently lists each time as a column. My preferred output would be a single double for each time so as I can use it for the x axis on a plot. Is this possible?


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