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How can I identify objects in a cluttered image by their shape/colour?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've written some code so that when an image is supplied to MATLAB, it uses predetermined parameters to highlight any areas which match the required colours. From this collection of highlighted areas, I want to find any which correspond to round object (as this is trying to look for fruit in a cluttered image). None of the methods shown in examples by MathWorks seem to work, as they all require empty background space between the objects

回答(2 个)

Alessandro La Chioma
Without seeing the image and without knowing what you specifically tried and did not work, I can only suggest to have a look here, which seems to fit exactly your needs: Good luck!

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-8-4
Also read this link and attach your image if you'd like more specific help.


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