Rename images using uigetfile and cell array

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so Im using the following function to rename my images that I would like to open via the uigetfile and then try to rename them with the movefile method. This code only works when the images are in the matlab path.
function output(~)
dirData = dir('*.jpg');
fileNames = {};
for iFile = 1:numel(fileNames)
newName = sprintf('left%03d.jpg',iFile);
But now if I try to input this:
dirData = uigetfile({'*.jpg'},'MultiSelect', 'on', 'Please selecet the images');
instead of:
dirData = dir('*.jpg');
then it just gives me the error message: Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object. Error in output (line 4) fileNames = {};
  3 个评论
Marcel Liphardt
Marcel Liphardt 2017-8-14
If I try to use your suggestion, I get the following error:
Error using movefile
No matching files were found.
Error in left (line 7) movefile(fileNames{iFile},newName);
Stephen23 2017-8-15
@Marcel Liphardt: you really need to provide the full path information. Read the uigetfile documentation about its second output.



Adam 2017-8-15
Use the two output form of uigetfile:
[filenames, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.jpg'}, 'MultiSelect', 'on', 'Please select the images');
fullFilenames = cellfun( @(x) fullfile( pathname, x ), filenames, 'UniformOutput', false );
and then it should work as you have the full path instead of just a filename that must be on the Matlab path.
  4 个评论
Marcel Liphardt
Marcel Liphardt 2017-8-15
Ok Adam you*r right, this works.
So my completed code looks like this:
function left(~)
[filenames, pathname] = uigetfile({'*.jpg'}, 'MultiSelect', 'on', 'Please select the images');
fullFilenames = cellfun( @(x) fullfile( pathname, x ), filenames, 'UniformOutput', false );
for iFile = 1:numel(fullFilenames)
newName = sprintf('links%03d.jpg',iFile);
But where does the program save those images? Im calling this function from a cell_list, where my next step would be to save these renamed images in a folder I choose.
Adam 2017-8-15
You need to use fullfile with a directory path for your destination file too in movefile. Don't just give it a filename. By default it will just save it in the current working directory which is presumably not what you want.
doc fullfile
should help. If you are creating each new filename in a loop as you appear to be then you won't need cellfun to do these as you did for the source files.


更多回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-8-14
编辑:Image Analyst 2017-8-15
Try this:
folder = pwd; % Or use getdir().
filePattern = fullfile(folder, '*.jpg'); % Don't use JPG images for image analysis.
dirData = dir(filePattern);
for k = 1 : length(dirData)
thisFileName = fullfile(folder, dirData(k).name);
newName = sprintf('left%03d.jpg',k);
newFileName = fullfile(folder, newName);
fprintf('Renaming %s to %s\n', dirData(k).name, newName);
movefile(thisFileName, newName);
  2 个评论
Marcel Liphardt
Marcel Liphardt 2017-8-15
Hey Image Analyst,
thanks for your answer.
Isn't your sloution still to take all images at once only?
Can't I use uigetfile to achieve this, cause I actually need to choose only a few images to rename in a specific directory?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-8-15
You can use this code if you want the user to specify the files:
folder = pwd; % Starting folder.
filePattern = fullfile(folder, '*.jpg'); % Don't use JPG images for image analysis.
[filenames, folder] = uigetfile(filePattern, 'MultiSelect', 'on', 'Please select the images');
for k = 1 : length(filenames)
thisFileName = fullfile(folder, filenames{k});
newName = sprintf('left%03d.jpg',k);
newFileName = fullfile(folder, newName);
fprintf('Renaming %s to %s\n', filenames{k}, newName);
movefile(thisFileName, newFileName);



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