Hey Community,
I have a GUI created with GUIDE (cp. screenshot).
Now, what I want to do is creating several y-Axes for one x-Axis in just one axes (the axes above, where the graph is plotted). At a later stage I want to do the same with y- and z-Axes - but let us postpone that issue.
So, whenever I try to generate a second y-axis in that very same axes handle, the y-axis is not shown. I tried addaxis.m and several other scripts. I also tried
for the new axes, as it was described here . Do you guys have any idea on what the problem might be here? I do not get any error message but simply won't see the second y-axis. However, the second plot is shown in the axes when using addaxis.m.
This is the original clean code, w/o any of my solution approaches. The code is situated in a for loop, but basically it is plot(x,y,...).
sData.(RoundaboutNames1{z}).(DirectionNames1{y}).(ConditionNames1{x}).(DriverNames1{w}).(FileNames1{v}).Cut.(y_axis3),'Color',cmap(cmap_num(k),:), 'LineWidth', 1);
if strcmp(visible_24,'on')
sData.(RoundaboutNames1{z}).(DirectionNames1{y}).(ConditionNames1{x}).(DriverNames1{w}).(FileNames1{v}).Cut.(y_axis4),'Color',cmap(cmap_num(k),:), 'LineWidth', 1);