how do i change license user

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Bob Hay
Bob Hay 2017-8-21
License #2 (purchased last week) - single user perpetual; I want to install on several machines and assign myself as the licensed user. License #1 (purchased one year ago) - need to change the user and machine.

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-8-21
For the new license, just go ahead and install and activate under your userid appropriate for the system. For "Standard" licenses (sometimes called Commercial or Professional licenses), you can install and activate on up to 4 systems.
For the old license being moved (and username changed), you can deactivate on the old machine and activate on the new machine. This kind of transfer can be done a limited number of times per year.


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