Split Y axis into two with different colors

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to plot two sequences of bars, using the same y-axis. One of the sequences goes on the bottom, the other goes on top (from top to bottom), and the y axis is split into two (half for the bottom bars and half for the top bars). The bottom bars use one color, like green, and the top bars use another color, red, and the y axis uses the respective colors on each half on the axis.
I have absolutely no idea how to split the y-axis in this way. Could someone please help me?
Thanks for helping! =D


Guilherme Salome
Guilherme Salome 2017-8-30
编辑:Guilherme Salome 2017-8-30
Full Solution here:

更多回答(1 个)

Jan 2017-8-30
编辑:Jan 2017-8-30
Do you mean something like this:
x = rand(1, 8);
axes2 = axes('NextPlot', 'add', 'Visible', 'on', 'YDir', 'normal', 'YLim', [0, 2]);
bar(x, 'g');
axes2 = axes('NextPlot', 'add', 'Visible', 'off', 'YDir', 'reverse', 'YLim', [0, 2]);
bar(x, 'r');
Or does the question concern the tick marks? This can be included also.


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