Error message: matlab Variable "VARNAME" is inaccessible. When a variable appears on both sides of an assignment statement, the variable may become temporarily unavailable during processing.

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
My code looks something like this:
[inputObject,Container] = myfunction(inputObject,param1,param2,Container);
Container is a containers.Map object; I'm basically trying to use it as a hashtable.
Also, of note, myfunction is a recursive function call; there are calls to myfunction within myfunction.
So here's the problem. I am making several calls to myfunction in a row. I want Container to be available to the next function call as soon as the previous one has completed. However, when I try to evaluate "Container" in debug mode, I get the error given above. VARNAME in this case is Container.
Here's the weird part. If I make a line solely containing the word "Container", and then using "step" in debugger, step my way to that line (with a breakpoint on that line) I can finally get MATLAB to evaluate "Container". Then, this value becomes "available", and MATLAB finally starts passing it from function call to function call. But that ONLY happens AFTER I do this thing where I step my way to that line with a breakpoint on it.
So I think the issue is that Container isn't being "refreshed" in MATLAB's memory. I need a way to get it to do this. Any ideas?
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