How to read data file in batch until end of file and write results in an array

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I need to read a large bin file in batches. Assuming the batch size is 5000 and will take an average over K (100 in this case) bin. At the end of process, I will have a number of averages to plot.
Have the basic code (first 5000 batch) below and now I have a couple of questions to proceed:
%%Process and Plot rf.bin
filename='rf.bin'; % filename='./rf.bin';
dataHeader=fread(fid,123,'uint8'); %skipping the header for .bin
NsperBatch = 0.5e4; % number of sample per batch
for k=1:100 % There are roughly 13243 sets
data=fread(fid,NsperBatch*2,'int16','b'); %16 bit integer big endian
dataIQ=data(1:2:end)+1i*data(2:2:end); %convert to complex IQ
dataSpectrum=fftshift(fft(dataIQ)); %convert to frequency domain
magSpectrum = magSpectrum + abs(dataSpectrum).^2;
magSpectrum = magSpectrum/100;
z=pow2db(magSpectrum); %convert magnitude to DB
fclose all;
1. How do I continue to read until end of file. Roughly, there are about 13243 sets/batches until end of file
2. How do I store all end results in an array (like Z=[5000, 13243]), so they can support the 3D plot later.

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