Model Predictive Tool - mpctool - Error message - unable to load selected items - Reg

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I created a discrete state-space plant model(sys1) in the work space of MATLAB R 2013a.
A =[1 2 3;4 5 6;7 8 9];
>> B = [5 ;8; 4];
>> C =[];
>> D =[];
>> sys1 = ss(A,B,C,D,0.3);
when i wanted to import this plant into the mpctool, it is giving error message "unable to load selected items".
how can i overcome this error.


M 2017-11-29
mpctool is obsolete, you should use mpcDesigner instead.
And to use it you have to define at least one output for your system, so your matrix C should not be empty.

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