
6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Cosimo Mercuro
Cosimo Mercuro 2017-10-16
Hi! I can't find this model smdoc_compound_link that is explained in
May you help me?
Thanks in advance

回答(3 个)

Nicolas Schmit
Nicolas Schmit 2017-10-17
I don't know why the command is now working, but you can open a similar model with the following command.

Cosimo Mercuro
Cosimo Mercuro 2017-10-17
Hi Nicolas. Thanks for your reply. On your PC the model is available ? I've just examined the ..._compound_body but it seems to me a little bit different
  2 个评论
Nicolas Schmit
Nicolas Schmit 2017-10-17
It is not available on my PC either (R2017b).
I reported the problem and will post an update when I have a solution.
Cosimo Mercuro
Cosimo Mercuro 2017-10-17
编辑:Cosimo Mercuro 2017-10-17
Hi Nicolas. Because I've urgency to teach to my students about simscape, may you provide me a link from which I could download the missing model ? Thanks in advance


Cosimo Mercuro
Cosimo Mercuro 2017-10-17
Hi Nicolas, following even the model in this tutorial don't work :
_ smdoc_lbeam_inertia_
Like the smdoc_compound_link , even in this case is impossible to start the "Try it" tutorial. I don't understand why. May you help me?


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