Sap2000 to Matlab

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Firas Alabdulrasol
Firas Alabdulrasol 2017-10-18
编辑: Reza 2020-8-17
I am trying to export sap2000 model and analysis it. Is there any new app that can transfer the model, the available one seems not working for new version and hope someone has an experience with that.
  3 个评论
Firas Alabdulrasol
Firas Alabdulrasol 2017-10-18
Did that work with you, because I have truss to export to Matlab
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-10-18
I do not have the product and have not tried the code. It looked to me to be some code that could be used to test and debug interfacing to the new version.


回答(1 个)

Reza 2020-8-15
编辑:Reza 2020-8-17
Follow the below link to make connection between SAP2000(CSiBRiDGE) and MATLAB


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