Has anybody ever tried to make an fft (with Simulink 2017a) on the Raspberry pi 3? Mine crashes everytime i try to run it on the pi...

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Has anybody ever tried to make an fft (with Simulink 2017a) on the Raspberry pi 3? Mine crashes everytime i try to run it on the pi...
  1 个评论
Julia Antoniou
Julia Antoniou 2017-10-25
Hi Stefan,
It would be helpful to know a bit more information about the issue you are facing. What does the crash look like? Does the entire instance of MATLAB close? Are any crash dump files created when this crash happens?
Also, how large is the FFT signal? How are you sending the signal to the Raspberry Pi?
In MATLAB R2017b, there is an example for the Raspberry Pi Hardware Support Package named "raspberrypi_audioVisualizer" that computes an FFT. Although you are using MATLAB R2017a, looking at how FFT is used in this example could help to resolve the issue you are facing. More information about this example is linked below. https://www.mathworks.com/help/supportpkg/raspberrypi/examples/audio-visualizer-using-raspberry-pi-sense-hat.html


回答(1 个)

Stefan Frutiger
Stefan Frutiger 2017-11-14
Hello Julia
I could solve the Problem. I tried to upgrade the Raspian Jessie lite Version to a full Version. And with a Desktop Environment the Simulink Models won't work.


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