Idea to create a model on a complex network gaph?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to build a model but am very new to this and have no ideas. For my study, I have 6 airports connected (something like in complex network / graph theory). I want the airports to represent 6 dots connected. For the input, let's say I put "500" on one dot, and it should give me output of 250 ( 50% reduction) when connected to the rest 5 dots. And if I put another let's say input 300 to other dot it should give me output of "150" if I didn't put input for the 1st dot of 500, and "specific output/number" calculated if I put input "300" for this dot and activate the effect of 50% reduction on the other dot, and to show me overall effect on the network of those 6 airports. You see where I am getting with it? Any ideas on how to create it are welcomed. Thank you very much!

回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2017-10-24
I'm not certain I understand what you're trying to do, but the graph and network algorithm functionality included in MATLAB may be of use to you. Your description sort of sounds like you're trying to find node importance or perhaps max flow, and MATLAB has functions (listed on that page) to perform each of those computations or analysis on a graph.
  2 个评论
Dennis Huver
Dennis Huver 2017-10-26
Thanks for the reply Steven. I am trying with these functions, but they are only for plotting. I need to create a simulation and based on my understanding, I need to use Simulink or other toolbox. So, I want to have input for the edges, and add an algorithm per node (if...else) . You see the idea? Let's say the edges represent current delays, and want to run algorithm that will run a simulation and show me the effect of reduction in delays in that network and the output to be the results (ex: edge now is 100, after simulation is run it will be 50 (50% reduction)).
Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2017-10-26
"I am trying with these functions, but they are only for plotting."
Not true. You can plot a digraph or graph, but you can also analyze them (finding shortest paths, max flow, node importance, etc.) If you describe the algorithm that you're trying to implement in a bit more detail we may be able to offer suggestions which of the functions for analyzing a graph or digraph will be most useful in that implementation.



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