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Read CSVs from a distant folder with namelist

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I have the names of my files saved in names like:
d = dir('/home/christian/Documents/Data/PressureN_t*.inp');
names = {};
Now I want to csvread all of these files now, but I didn't managed to do it. The problem is that my csvread looks like:
M = csvread('home/christian/Documents/Data/[...]');
where [...] is unknown as I don't know how to do it.
Any suggestions?
  4 个评论
Stephen23 2017-10-26
编辑:Stephen23 2017-10-26
"The difference is that in other question they do not need to include the path to the folder."
Errr... actually both of the examples I gave specify the path to the folder.
"...I cannot combine the path with the variable name"
Why not? What is the problem with using sprintf or concatenating the name onto the directory path? I do this all the time when reading files in a loop. Almost every MATLAB user has done this at some point. What is stopping you from doing this?
Both the faq and the answer that I linked to use explicit folder paths: in their examples the relevant variables are called folder, myFolder, and myPath. I have no idea what you are expecting to see, but follow either of those examples and specify the relevant variable to be the required folder path.
Christian Berwanger
Christian Berwanger 2017-10-26
So I did it like in the 3rd example
for i = 1:length(names
fullFileName = fullFile('/home/christian/Documents/Data/',names(i));
M = csvread(fullFileName, 0, 1);
And I get the following error: Error using csvread File name must be a character vector.
With fid = fopen(fullFileName, 'rt') has a similar error. And how can I name the files different in my workspace?

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