Why do I get a different response when using the "step" command in the command line and the scope in Simulink?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a MIMO (10 outputs and 5 inputs) state transition matrix I don't understand why do I get different responses when invoking a step input in the command line and in Simulink. Can someone give me a light on this?


Birdman 2017-10-30
编辑:Birdman 2017-10-30
It is because of the solver. In Simulink, you probably use variable step solver, which is more accurate. In MATLAB Command line, you can overcome this situation by making the simulation with a small step size that you define, so you will get more accurate results.
t = 0:1e-6:10;
step('your model',t)
Try the code above.

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