can I show the polynomial without using syms in this way that I intend to do it?

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what I intend to do is print the polynomial without variables and somehow I would like to add it in a textual way, that is, I do not know something like set (handles.edit9, get (handles.edit10, 'string') 'x') is an idea vague but can you do something like that?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-11-7
numeric_coefficients_in_descending_order_of_power = .... %row vector!
power_list = length(numeric_coefficients_in_descending_order_of_power)-1 : -1 : 0;
result = strjoin( sprintfc('%d * x^%d', [numeric_coefficients_in_descending_order_of_power; power_list].' ), ' + ');

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