Error using load. Unable to read file '001_2008.S4'. No such file or directory.

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I've run the program that i've upload on MATLAB 2017a. it just fine before. Then suddenly this error appeared
Error using load
Unable to read file '062_2008.S4'. No such file or directory.
Error in gbr_s4_1hari_obs (line 8)
data=load(filename); % baca data
i've tried using my backup program, to make sure that the program is fine. but that error still appear. What happen actually? Thx
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2017-11-9
What shows up for
ls 062_2008.S4
Question: this file you are working with, does it happen to be saved on a Microsoft OneDrive folder?
Tian 2017-11-9
It fixed now. i try many thing, then i know that it won't work if the mfile is on other directory using that code. it should be on the same folder. Thanks for comment. I really appreciate it Thanks for comment, i really appreciate it.



Tian 2017-11-9
编辑:Tian 2017-11-9
fixed. Go to comment

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