How do I purchase a new Home/Student License?

72 次查看(过去 30 天)


MathWorks Support Team
MathWorks Support Team 2024-12-10,0:00
编辑:MathWorks Support Team 2024-6-6
In order to purchase a MATLAB License, you must log in to your MathWorks Account.  Please note that Home Use and Student Version Licenses are non-transferrable, so ensure you're logged into the correct MathWorks Account.
Access your account by visiting MathWorks Store.
  1. Choose the license type you wish to purchase, specifically the Home or Student option.
  2. Identify and select the products you're interested in by marking the appropriate checkboxes under the "Add" column on the right side of the page.
  3. After selecting your products, click on 'Proceed to Checkout' to continue.
  4. Fill in your billing details as prompted to complete your purchase.
Upon successful transaction, you'll have the option to download and install your license.
Please be aware that not all toolboxes available for the Professional version of MATLAB are accessible in the Home/Student Version. If you're unable to find a specific toolbox, it may not be included in the Home Use or Student Version offering.
For further assistance, please contact Customer Support at MathWorks Support.
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-1-10
编辑:Walter Roberson 2024-5-1
Your name suggests that you are possibly in Vietnam. If so then you should contact the distributor
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-11-24
Mathworks may ask you to send proof of enrollment if you do not purchase from a University email address.


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