How to find the maximum length in a structure of vectors?

30 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a struct, fem. One of its field is a cell (fem.Element) and I want to find the maximum length of fem.Element.
Thanks in advance, André


AXL 2017-11-12
I solved using this: max(cellfun(@length,fem.Element);

更多回答(1 个)

Precise Simulation
Precise Simulation 2017-11-12
If by "maximum length" you mean the number of struct entries, then you can just use one of the standard length, numel, or size commands
If you mean the maximum value in each struct entry you could use something like
mx_all = cellfun(@max,struct2cell(fem))
mx = max(mx_all(:))
  2 个评论
AXL 2017-11-12
编辑:AXL 2017-11-12
I mean the maximum length in one struct field. I can use this because not all the fields are struct and I get the message:
% Non-scalar in Uniform output, at index 3, output 1. Set 'UniformOutput' to false.
AXL 2017-11-12
I solved it using this: max(cellfun(@length,fem.Element);
But really thanks! I'm not used to work with cells.



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