function s = inputForm(A, name)
%s = inputForm(A, name)
% Create assignment code from disp output
% Inputs
% A: anything disp can handle
% name: variable A is assigned to
% Output
% s: string with expression 'name = A;'
if nargin == 0 % demo
A = randn(4);
name = 'Amat';
nl = sprintf('\n');
s = evalc('disp(A)');
if strfind(s, 'Columns')
disp('cannot yet handle that many columns')
disp('you can try to enlarge the Command Window')
s = strrep(s, '[', '');
s = strrep(s, ']', '');
s = strrep(s, nl, ['; ...', nl]);
s = [name, ' = [ ...', nl, s, '];'];