Fitting routine, optimization with two functions for one problem

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello matlab team. I have a question to an optimization of a fitting routine. I am trying to plot data to a set of functions. The problem is that I do not know how to handle two functions for fitting one problem. At the moment I am trying to do the following with the lsqcurvefit. Data attached.
clear all;
close all;
%%Prepare data
% Load data
Aktor = importdata(['Aktor1.txt']);
Aktor_freq = Aktor(:,1);
Aktor_ampl = Aktor(:,2);
Aktor_phase = Aktor(:,3);
Re_Y = Aktor_ampl.*cos(deg2rad(Aktor_phase)); % Conductance G
Im_Y = Aktor_ampl.*sin(deg2rad(Aktor_phase)); % Susceptance B
plot(Re_Y,Im_Y,'ok','LineWidth',1.5); % Show data in complex plain
hold all
% Define start parameters
C_0 = 3.8182e-08;
R_m = 8.0856e+03;
L_m = 15.3030;
C_m = 1.0271e-09;
tan_d = 0.02;
x_data = Aktor_freq; % x-values
y_data = Aktor_ampl; % y-values
% Show start parameters
y_0 = (2*pi*x_data*C_0*(i+tan_d))+1./(R_m+i*(2*pi*x_data*L_m-1./(2*pi*x_data*C_m)));
%%Generate Fit
% [C_0, R_m, L_m, C_m, tan_d];
x0 = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1]; % Relative altering
lb = [1/10, 1/10, 1/10, 1/10, 1/10]; % Lower bound
ub = [1*10, 1*10, 1*10, 1*10, 1*10]; % Upper bound
Fun = @(x,xdata) abs((2*pi*xdata*C_0*x(1)*(i+tan_d*x(5)))+1./(x(2)*R_m+i*(2*pi*xdata*L_m*x(3)-1./(2*pi*xdata*C_m*x(4)))));
options = optimset('TolX',1e-20,'TolFun',1e-20);
x = lsqcurvefit(Fun,x0,x_data,y_data,lb,ub,options);
% Show fitted data
y_fit1 = (2*pi*x_data*C_0*x(1)*(i+tan_d*x(5)))+1./(x(2)*R_m+i*(2*pi*x_data*L_m*x(3)-1./(2*pi*x_data*C_m*x(4))));
xlabel('real part')
ylabel('imaginary part')
You can see. I am using only one function with five parameters that I fit relativ to its start value. The fit function is not that good. Showing the data in the complex plain is required. The curves does not match properly. I get a very nice result if I change tan_d = 0.05;
I would like to change the routine. I have two different functions.
w = 2*pi*Aktor_freq;
The real part is defined by:
Fun1 = R_m./(R_m^2 + (w*L_m - 1./(w*C_m)).^2) + w*tan_d*C_0 == Re_Y
The imaginary part is defined by:
Fun2 = (-w*L_m + 1./(w*C_m))./(R_m^2 + (w*L_m - 1./(w*C_m)).^2) + w*C_0 == Im_Y
So I show you the figures of the imaginary and the real part.
tan_d = 0.2
The imaginary part seems to fit quite nice but the real part doesn't hit the spot. I found out that the global peak of the real part and the peak of Fun1 has to be almost equal.
Maybe I can somehow try to give the points around the peak of the real part a higher weight. So the fit converges to it more then to the other points. The main idea is to find the parameters so that the fit matches the ellipse of the data in the complex plain.
Is there any way to solve this problem?. Imagine how to handle both functions for a fitting procedure is out of my level. I appreciate any advice. I tried working with the genetic algorithm but with no succes.
Regards Henrik
  4 个评论
Henrik Schädlich
Henrik Schädlich 2017-12-1
编辑:Henrik Schädlich 2017-12-1
Ok you are right. I changed the input with the figure handle. My result is:
clear all
close all
%%Load data
Aktor = importdata(['Aktor1.txt']);
Aktor_freq = Aktor(:,1);
Aktor_ampl = Aktor(:,2);
Aktor_phase = Aktor(:,3);
Re_Y = Aktor_ampl.*cos(deg2rad(Aktor_phase));
Im_Y = Aktor_ampl.*sin(deg2rad(Aktor_phase));
f = (1:1:3000)';
%%Start values
C_0 = 3.948675967565607e-08;
R_m = 7.120051155668139e+03;
L_m = 25.35529039370214e+00;
C_m = 6.242970891780357e-10;
tan_d = 0.054859859155354e-00;
%%relative change of start values
%x_0=[C_0, R_m, L_m, C_m, tan_d]
x = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1];
lb = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1,];
ub = [ 10, 10, 10, 10, 10];
%%define functions
Fun = {@(f)(x(2)*R_m./((x(2)*R_m).^2 + (2*pi*f*x(3)*L_m - 1./(2*pi*f*x(4)*C_m)).^2) + 2*pi*f*x(5)*tan_d*x(1)*C_0); ...
@(f)(-2*pi*f*x(3)*L_m + 1./(2*pi*f*x(4)*C_m))./((x(1)*R_m).^2 + (2*pi*f*x(3)*L_m - 1./(2*pi*f*x(4)*C_m)).^2) + 2*pi*f*x(1)*C_0};
%%Fit routine
options = optimoptions(@lsqnonlin,'Algorithm','trust-region-reflective', ...
'StepTolerance',1.0000e-10, 'FunctionTolerance', 1.0000e-10);
optimal_x = lsqnonlin (Fun,x,lb,ub,options);
%%Show results
set(gcf, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3]);
plot(Aktor_freq, Re_Y,'*b','MarkerSize',1); hold all;
plot(f, Fun{1}(f),'r');
set(gcf, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.35, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3]);
plot(Aktor_freq, Im_Y, '*b','MarkerSize',1); hold all;
plot(f, Fun{2}(f),'r');
set(gcf, 'Units', 'normalized', 'Position', [0.7, 0.5, 0.3, 0.3]);
plot(Re_Y, Im_Y, 'b*','MarkerSize',1); hold all;
plot(Fun{1}(f), Fun{2}(f),'r');
The problem is, that the algorithm does not change the fit parameters. What do I do wrong here? Do you have any suggestions?
Regards Henrik
Alan Weiss
Alan Weiss 2017-12-4
I am not sure, but you seem to be summing squared differences within your objective function. If you are, then don't do that, just pass in the vector of values to lsqnonlin. The solver does the summing and squaring internally.
Also, is your objective function a cell array of function handles or a plain function handle? I believe that it should be a plain function handle. For multidimensional output, just have your objective function return a vector or matrix, but don't have a cell array as your objective function.
You also calculate things using functions like cos(deg2rad(...)). MATLAB has functions that calculate in degrees directly, such as cosd.
Alan Weiss
MATLAB mathematical toolbox documentation


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