help with coverage antenna toolbox - eNB (LTE base station)

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I'd like to edit the code below to add things that are true for an LTE Base Station (eNodeB), like free space path loss (instead of close-in), add antenna down tilt (of 4 degrees), and any other relevant changes. the only thing I can get to run is the example code of coverage() shown below, if I add any changes it erros out.
%% Transmitter Array % Specify the names, latitudes, and longitudes of three transmitter % locations.
names = ["Site381254","Site381077","Site383046"]; lats = [40.083915, 40.063641, 40.086335]; lons = [-105.169347, -105.076260, -104.984694];
%% % Define the frequency of the transmitters.
fq = 2145;
% Create and view the transmitter array. 62 dBm
txs = txsite('Name', names,... 'Latitude',lats,... 'Longitude',lons, ... 'TransmitterFrequency',fq, ... 'TransmitterPower',62);
%% Powers coverage(txs,'close-in','SignalStrengths',-40:5:-10)

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