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Reading in the values from excel

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
soyfrijole 2017-12-5
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
I have made a program the reads in values from an excel table and in order to find the average of n number of values in a column. The problem that I am having is I only know how to find the average of all the values in a column, not just the first 10 values in the column. If someone could help I'd appreciate it.
if true
if y == 0.2
column = 3;
x = mean(data_in(:,3));
s = std(data_in(:,3));

回答(1 个)

KL 2017-12-5
x = mean(data_in(:,3));
x = mean(data_in(1:10,3));
1:10 could be any number indices within its limits
  2 个评论
soyfrijole 2017-12-5
Oh thank you. I was trying to do (n,3) and kept getting an error.
KL 2017-12-6
编辑:KL 2017-12-6
n should be a vector, like in my example,
n = 1:10
if they are not continuous then,
n = [1 3 8 9 15 ...]


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