MinMax does not accept 'boolean' signals

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
As the title say, I get this error. Can this be solved somehow or do I need to re-do the model in some other way? This error occurs when trying to do code-generation using the corresponding Simulink version that comes with Matlab 2011b 32-bit.
  2 个评论
Birdman 2017-12-13
What do you want to do in that part of your model?
Stephen23 2017-12-13
MC's "Answer" moved here:
This is a model I inherited. Essentially that part does: min(BooleanSignal_k, BooleanSignal_(k-1)), that is it outputs the minimum of a Boolean Signal at current time step versus the previous time step. I have re-modeled it, but was curious why the MinMax block doesn't take a boolean even though the support page says that it indeed does take a boolean. Perhaps a syndrom of something else being wrong in the model?



Birdman 2017-12-13
I created a model for you where you can compare boolean datas inside a MATLAB Function very easily. Try to adapt that idea to your model. Note that MinMax block does not accept boolean data at any circumstances.
  2 个评论
MC 2017-12-14
Thank you, I'll check it out! Here it says that MinMax does indeed accept boolean, perhaps I misinterpret it.
Birdman 2017-12-14
Good ! If my answer helped, can you accept it so that other people having the same problem will know that there is a working solution.


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