How to convert numeric matrix into sparse matrix

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a numeric matrix which the charcter
str =
a =
72 101 108 108 111 32
a = double(str)
Now i want to convert this numeric matrix into sparse matrix. Kindly help
  1 个评论
Adam 2017-12-19
There isn't any value, as such, in creating a sparse matrix from a matrix containing no, or very few, zeros.


回答(1 个)

Birdman 2017-12-19
  1 个评论
Jan 2017-12-19
+1. :-)
@bavani: If you have a question about a certain feature, start with searching for it:
docsearch sparse
If this does not help, search in the internet. If there are still open questions, the forum is a good idea.



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