How can I get the the ward distance change to find an optimal number of clusters.

7 次查看(过去 30 天)
Using hierarchical clustering, I would like to get the the ward distance change in every step to find an optimal number of clusters. I can plot the dendrogram, but would like the actual distances and the number of clusters that they correspond to.


Bernhard Suhm
Bernhard Suhm 2017-12-29
The evalclusters function determines the optimal number of clusters for you. ‘linkage’ will use agglomerative clustering as the algorithm with the ‘ward’ distance. You have a choice of cluster evaluation criteria, ‘CalinksiHarabasz’ and ‘DaviesBouldin’ compare the between and within cluster distances in slightly different ways, and there is also a ‘gap’ and ‘silhouette’ criterion. The output object from evalclusters contains the criterion values for each number of clusters along with the optimal value.
So for example,
eva = evalclusters(X,'linkage','CalinskiHarabasz','KList',[2:6])
with input data in the matrix X will evaluate 2-6 clusters and provide the following output:
InspectedK: [2 3 4 5 6]
CriterionValues: [180.0914 300.2080 254.8927 220.7171 199.2285]
OptimalK: 3

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