How can i save a imshow plot

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
ohad assour
ohad assour 2017-12-21
Hello everyone. I'm trying to save a stereo vision depth map with colors just like in the stereo vision guide. in order to present the image as i want to save it on the screen i am currently doing the following actions: disparityRange=[0 80]; imagesc(disparityMap,disparityRange); colormap jet now, i want to save the image that is presented by the imagesc with the colors applied to it by the colormap jet.
i tried imwrite,save and looked online but havent found a command that helps me save that image so that it'd be readable by matlab in the future. i would appreciate your help very much! Ohad

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2017-12-21

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