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Feature extraction using Correlgoram : What does this means ?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
I want to extract color features from a specific image. For this i tried to use the CBIR which i found via this link Among the proposed functions, I used ColorAutoCorrelogram which return a vector (1*64) with different values. Is that the feature vector which we calculate, this means that we extracted 64 features ? Is that right ?
  1 个评论
Rik 2017-12-24
I think you need to decide what your end goal is. Blindly calculating stuff doesn't help you. I don't fully understand a correlogram, so I can't tell you the differences with a GLCM, although it seems like they are very similar. If this is a project for a study assignment I highly suggest you talk to your professor.

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