How to create 2D plot from 3D table?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have n number of 2d tables. Each table is for different time point. I did concatenate of all the 2d tables and made it as 3d. Now I want to take first data from all the table and need to plot vs time. Similarly all the second data and so on.
Example: Let's call 2d table as A, B, C...Now I want to create plot connecting A(1,1), B(1,1), C(1,1)....Similarly for all other points also. Can someone please help with me?
  1 个评论
Benjamin Kraus
Benjamin Kraus 2017-12-27
Can you clarify your question. When you say "table", are you referring to a MATLAB table object? Those do not support 3D. Or are you referring to a 2D matrix?


回答(1 个)

Benjamin Kraus
Benjamin Kraus 2017-12-27
Assuming you are referring to 2D matrices, which you have concatenated into a 3D matrix (MATLAB table objects do not support 3D), you can plot like this:
Z = cat(3,A,B,C);
Alternatively, you can use reshape:
Z = cat(3,A,B,C);
Z = reshape(Z,numel(A),[])';


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