how to reconstruc a signal from its modified discrete fourier transform?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all I need to modify the discrete Fourier transform coefficients and then inverse it from frequency domain to time domain. suppose the signal is sig and the modification vector is R. I first determine the Fourier coefficients by fft function: dft = fft(sig); %modify Fourier coefficient DFT = R .* dft; now the question: is there any signal in time domain that its Fourier coefficients be DFT. if the answer is yes, how can I evaluate it? thanks

回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2017-12-29
You seem to have defined a filter in the frequency domain. See theSignal Processing Toolbox fftfilt (link) function for details.

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