How to add rows to an existing table

452 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to add rows to this existing table, however I can't seem to add any, the one row just gets changed to the new value.
1×7 table
Neuron Neuron_ID NoSynapses SynapticDensity NoBranches BranchDensity Clustering
________ _________ __________ _______________ __________ _____________ __________
'ipsiCN' [5] [2] [4.0060] [12] [0.0482] [0]
Does anyone have any help on this?
  3 个评论
Brian Droncheff
Brian Droncheff 2018-8-26
A link to this particular documentation for this particular question would be helpful. I have been looking all around for this exact same thing but... ended up here as well as not being able to find the answer.


回答(2 个)

Brian Droncheff
Brian Droncheff 2018-8-26
编辑:Brian Droncheff 2018-8-26
Fitting to this format where 'A', 'B', etc.. are your values of Neuron Neuron_ID etc.
C = {1,2,3,4}
T = cell2table(C,'VariableNames',{'A','B','C','D'})
T1 = table(5, 6, 7, 8,'VariableNames',{'A','B','C','D'})
Tout = [T;T1]
Basically you are creating one Table T from cell2table and then creating the table T1 and Matlab matches the 'variableNames' together. NOTE 'variableNames' is a keyword, it is not an arbitrary name, also that the actual number of and string names such as 'A' 'B' 'C' and 'D' MUST match between the two tables.
The post which I modified the above from is here: Adding Rows to Table

KSSV 2018-1-11
T = table([10;20],{'M';'F'},'VariableNames',{'Age','Gender'},'RowNames',{'P1','P2'})
Tnew = table(30,{'F'},'VariableNames',{'Age','Gender'},'RowNames',{'P3'}) ;
T = [T ; Tnew]


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