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I have quantized hsv into 8×3×3 combinations,so I want to find what is number of pixels per each bin how do I do it

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回答(3 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-1-13
If you have taken the 3-D histogram, then you have the values. If you really "have quantized hsv into 8×3×3 combinations" then how can you not have that variable??? What happened to it? Did you clear it for some reason? If so, why?
  10 个评论

teja jayavarapu
teja jayavarapu 2018-1-13
If I divide image into N×N blocks how do we apply this quantification for different blocks
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-1-14
Same way I already showed you. The code does not care where rgbImage came from: imread() or indexing a block of a larger image. The code works the same regardless of where rgbImage originated.

teja jayavarapu
teja jayavarapu 2018-1-14
a=imread(img); [rows, cols, numOfBands] = size(a); mr=round(rows/2); mc=round(cols/2); image1=a(1:mr,1:mc); image2=a(1:mr,(mc+1):cols); image3=a((mr+1):rows,1:mc); image4=a((mr+1):rows,(mc+1):cols); subplot(4,3,2) imshow(img) subplot(4,3,5) imshow(image1) subplot(4,3,6) imshow(image2) subplot(4,3,8) imshow(image3) subplot(4,3,9) imshow(image4) I HAVE DIVIDED THE IMAGE INTO 4 BLOCKS IS THERE ANY BETTER WAY OR THERE IS ANY DIRECT COMMAND IN MATLAB TO DO THIS?


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