How do I add space between any specific word in string

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Here is string,
str = 'double function_name(double name1, float name2, double name3)'
I want that string with one white space after each word and symbol, like this;
newstr = 'double function_name ( double name1 , float name2 , double name3 )'

回答(3 个)

BhaTTa 2024-10-21
Hey @Sagar Talaviya, you can make use of regular expression to acheive the above requirement, I have attached the code please take it as reference and modify accordingly
% Original string
str = 'double function_name(double name1, float name2, double name3)';
% Use regexprep to insert a space after each word and symbol, but avoid adding before underscores
newstr = regexprep(str, '(\+|\(|\)|,)', '$1 ');
% Trim any trailing spaces
newstr = strtrim(newstr);
% Display the result
disp('Formatted String:');
Formatted String:
double function_name( double name1, float name2, double name3)
Hope it helps.

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2024-10-21
% Original string
str = 'double function_name(double name1, float name2, double name3)';
% Use strrep to add spaces before and after parentheses and commas.
% Assumes there is no space already around the parentheses.
str = strrep(str, '(', ' ( ');
str = strrep(str, ')', ' ) ');
str = strrep(str, ',', ' ,'); % Add space before, but not after (assumes there is already a space after).
% Trim any trailing spaces
newstr = strtrim(str)
newstr = 'double function_name ( double name1 , float name2 , double name3 )'

Voss 2024-10-21
str = 'double function_name(double name1, float name2, double name3)'
str = 'double function_name(double name1, float name2, double name3)'
newstr = strtrim(strrep(regexprep(str,'([\(\),])',' $1 '),' ',' '))
newstr = 'double function_name ( double name1 , float name2 , double name3 )'


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