how to write matlab code for the below equations

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for k=1:k gnew=ctranspose(gk); gnew end n=log10(-17); N0=10^n nk=0+N0.*randn(k,1); for k=1:k sk=input('enter transmit symbol rate'); pk=input('enter transmit power '); dk=sqrt(pk)*gnew*vk*sk; end


Birdman 2018-1-31
Following may help you to start what you are doing:
k=5;syms t
y=sym('y',[1 k]);
p=sym('p',[1 k]);
v=sym('v',[1 k]);
s=sym('s',[1 k]);
n=sym('n',[1 k]);
g=sym('g',[1 k]);

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