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Error with Fmicon objective function

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Nikolas Spiliopoulos
关闭: MATLAB Answer Bot 2021-8-20
Hi all,
I am trying to run a non linear optimization with fmincon, I have set the equality and inequality constraints but I am struggling with the objective function. The constraints (for example Aeq)is a matrix of 5 X 5397. So I wanna have an objective function for each row, something like:
I tried this:
f=@(x) x(1:2700,1)+x(2701:5397,1);
x = fmincon(f,x0,A(:,1),b,Aeq(:,1),beq,lb,ub);
However I am getting errors like:
"initVals.f = feval(funfcn{3},X,varargin{:});"
"Failure in initial objective function evaluation. FMINCON cannot continue"
Does anybody have any idea how to overcome this?
thanks in advance
  1 个评论
Torsten 2018-2-6
1. The objective function must return a scalar value, not a vector.
2. You give an initial value of 0.001 to x0. Thus you only have one scalar variable to optimize. In this case, your A and Aeq have to be matrices of size n x 1, not n x 5397.
You should again write down your optimization problem and study how fmincon can be used to solve it.
Best wishes

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