Using normrnd to generate a random sequence

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to use the function 'normrnd' to generate a zero-mean random sequence distributed uniformly between +/- 0.25. How do I go about doing this?


Roger Stafford
Roger Stafford 2018-2-12
The best answer to your question is, “don’t use ‘normrnd’ for that purpose!” It is very much the wrong distribution for that.
You should use ‘rand’ as follows:
x = 0.5*rand(m,n)-0.25;
This will give you a statistically uniform distribution between -0.25 and +0.25, and nowhere else.
  2 个评论
John BG
John BG 2018-2-12
编辑:John BG 2018-2-12
Hi Nat
.. to generate a .. random sequence ..
x = 0.5*rand(1,n)-0.25
x = 0.5*rand(n,1)-0.25
not m sequences
John BG


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