Hi!!!! I am using 2017a matlab. I am not able to use libsvm on it. The image shows the error. Should I install 32bit matlab??

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Hi!!!! I am using 2017a matlab. I am not able to use libsvm on it. The image shows the error. Should I install 32bit matlab??
  6 个评论
SHWETA KHARA 2018-2-27
Sir.. Target in this means "required output" right? My required output will be "0/1/2/3". But somehow, I am not able to give it in response.
This is what I am getting.
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2018-2-27
The tool you are using expects that one of the columns contains the output that is appropriate for that that input row -- expects that one of the columns will contain 0, 1, 2, or 3 for that row. You would mark that one row as Response and leave the other rows as Predictor.


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