Figure moves curing camera positioning operations

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am using camdolly and camzoom on an axis object. The axis is within a gui figure created in 'guide'. I want to zoom on a set of patch objects on the axes(e.g., the patch objects should get bigger or smaller). When I use camzoom, the entire axis gets bigger or smaller, often overlapping other panels in my gui. Likewise, when I use camdolly, the axes move on top of other elements of the gui.

回答(1 个)

Bilen Oytun Peksel
Bilen Oytun Peksel 2012-11-12
  1 个评论
Jan 2012-11-12
编辑:Jan 2012-11-12
"BUMP" does not reveal your specific problem. Please post some code, which replicates the observed effects. The original "when I use camdolly" did not ontain enough information to be answered. A bumping does not change the situation.
If you really think that bumping is useful, do it as comment, because this is not an "answer".



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