Can anyone suggest me how to remove vocals from stereo audio in matlab as I'm fresher & I am having software project based on karaoke to remove vocals. So plz suggest me some idea or codes to remove vocals. I hv tried this but its not removing vocal

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[y, fs] = wavread('Song.wav'); sound(y,fs)F's; plot(y); left = y(:,1); right = y(:,2); fftL = fft(left); fftR = fft(right); for i = 1:683550 %in my example 683550 dif = fftL(i,1) / fftR(i,1); dif = abs(dif); if (dif > 0.7 & dif < 1.5) fftL(i,1) = 0; fftR(i,1) = 0; end; end; leftOut = ifft(fftL); rightOut = ifft(fftR); yOut(:,1) = leftOut; yOut(:,2) = rightOut; wavwrite(yOut, fs, 'tmp.wav'); plot(yOut);

回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-3-16
Your problem is called "The Cocktail Party Effect"
To "solve" it, what you want is called "independent components analysis" or "blind source separation". See these links:
  3 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-3-18
It's not an easy problem so you're not going to find some simple and short 500 line solution except for the most simple case like a very narrow bandwidth singer.



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